Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    09 September 2020  |   07:00 PM  -  08:30 PM
    Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    Comforts of your own home.,

  • Address
Created By:

Sharon Davies

Sep 09

Card Club

Card Club 
Is starting in September 
Are you like me and want almost everything from the New Mini or Annual Catalogue?
Are you on a limited budget? 
Want to learn a new technique?
Do you love to get together and craft while sharing ideas and laughs?
Well I have the solution for you, it’s my monthly card club!
We’ll get together the second Wednesday or Thursday of each month and craft together for (at least)  6 months depending on the number of participants. 
And during that timeframe, you’ll become the hostess at least once. The more people that participate the longer the club will run and the more the Hostess Rewards are to be earned! 
Here’s some of the benefits of being a club member:
*I will supply (almost) everything*** you need to make three cards or 3-D projects every month. And mail them out to you. 
*Be one of first to attend my BOGO sale.
*Receive at less minimum a of $35 in Hostess rewards during your hostess month. 
*Your choice of Card Stock or ink pad for FREE during your Hostess month. 
*You pick which day that you want to attend club. I know that things come up no worries you can always change day to suit you. 
*During this uncertain times all club meeting will be done via Zoom. So that means anyone anywhere can join. 
There is a commitment of purchasing a minimum $40 in product each month. 
***as per Stampin’ UP! Rules images are needing to be stamp by you. Therefore you’ll need to provide your own sentiment stamp.

So who's In??