Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    01 May 2024   All Day
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    Northern Stamper's Creative Community
Created By:

Tina Kvrgic

May 01

Book of Me Scrapbook Challenge

So How about an entire scrapbook about just you? 

No need to be embarrassed. Think about every book you have ever read. Doesn't the book jacket have a photo of the author and some biographical information about the author?

That's what the Book of Me Scrapbook Challenge is all about. Whether it's just a page here and there or an entire album, you aren't finished until you have done a page on "YOU"! 

You might even learn some interesting things about yourself when you sit down and reflect on what you like, who you are, how you came to do what you do, and maybe even where you want to go.

Here again, you can just do it one page at a time - with one idea at a time.

I'm inviting you to join me in this project. To create a scrapbook about YOU. To explore your own identity, your own story, your own personality. To discover new things about yourself, and to appreciate the old ones. To have fun, to be creative, and to be YOU.
How does it work? It's simple. Every month, I will post a topic in the VIP group "Northern Stamper's Creative Community". You will have the whole month to create a page (or more) about that topic. You can use any materials, techniques, or styles you want. The only rule is that it has to be about YOU.

At the end of the month, you can share your page (or pages) in the group, and see what others have created. You can also comment, compliment, and encourage each other. You can also ask me any questions or suggestions you may have along the way.
By the end of the year, you will have a beautiful scrapbook that reflects who you are. A scrapbook that you can cherish and share with others. A scrapbook that you can be proud of.

Are you ready to join me?  And don't forget to join the VIP group "Northern Stamper's Creative Community" if you haven't already. That's where all the magic will happen!

I can't wait to see what you will create! Let's make 2024 the year of YOU!
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