Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    August 19, 2024  |   02:00 PM  -  03:00 PM
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

  • Address
Created By:

Mary Deatherage

Aug 19

ZOOM The Craftroom

An exclusive chance to craft with me and others "virtually"!  We get together for an hour or so - and we craft and chat and generally just have some social time!  How do you get the invite?  Place an order each month thru my Online Store for $50 before shipping & tax - the ZOOM the Craftroom link changes each month.  This is part of my customer rewards progam - in addition to....a free $10 item of your choice, Peppermint Rewards Points AND my Online Tutorial featuring several projects using a different bundle each month!  I offer two sessions each week - Mondays at 2pm Eastern and Thursdays at 7pm Eastern.  Hope to see you online! :)