
Date & Time:
January 07, 2021 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Central Time (US & Canada) -
Zoom or on your own time at home
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We will make 10 GUY CARDS, 2 each of 5 designs. I provide all materials except sentiments you'd like to add to your card. I will have a Zoom meeting to assemble the cards together, but if you can't make it or would prefer to do them on your own, I'll record the Zoom video and share it with you. Registration for this class is due Wednesday, December 30. Cost for all materials is $20. Add $8 to have supplies shipped. Class fee can be paid via Paypal, Venmo, by check through the mail, or call with your credit card number. Want in on several online classes coming up? Pay them all at once!
Created By:
Amy Rich
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Jan 07
Let's Hear It for the Boy: 10 for $20
We will make 10 GUY CARDS, 2 each of 5 designs. I provide all materials except sentiments you'd like to add to your card. I will have a Zoom meeting to assemble the cards together, but if you can't make it or would prefer to do them on your own, I'll record the Zoom video and share it with you. Registration for this class is due Wednesday, December 30. Cost for all materials is $20. Add $8 to have supplies shipped. Class fee can be paid via Paypal, Venmo, by check through the mail, or call with your credit card number. Want in on several online classes coming up? Pay them all at once!