Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    May 01, 2024  |   06:00 PM  -  09:00 PM
    Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    Stampin Unicorns

  • Address
    2205 S Wallonnie Dr, Marshfield WI 54449
Created By:

Elizabeth Giles

May 01

Monthly Stamp Camp

Stamp Camps are usually on the 1st Wednesdays of every month :)

Camps are Make N Take style. You work at your own pace which means if you can't make it right at 6pm, that's okay...just come when you can. STAMP CAMPS ARE FREE with minimum purchase (or $15 fee) I provide all the supplies needed for the projects plus a small snack and drink.

If you prefer to pay the $15 FEE for your stamp camp...I do offer a STAMP CAMP punch card. Once you pay for 5 camps, your next one is FREE!!!

Make sure to RSVP the SUNDAY week before the event. If you cancel within 24 hours of class, you will still need to pay for class. You will get all supplies and everything but the stamped images for you to complete the cards.