Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    February 07, 2025  |   10:00 AM  -  12:00 PM
    Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    E Mail me for information

  • Address
    Central Arkansas
Created By:

Patience Holt

Feb 07

Technique Club Day Class

Guests are always welcome - come and be MY guest as I learn new techniques from my Up-line Kay.  Day Club typically meets the first Friday of each month in Kay's Home.   We learn a new stamp technique each month.  RSVP to me and I will make your reservation.  You first Class as my guest will be FREE. ($25.00 Value) 
We will make 3 projects each month with goodies galore.  
Members of this club get to rotate earning Stampin' Rewards. - FREE Stamps!  Class also comes with a tutorial.  It is always fun and learning new things that I can use when I scrapbook, make cards and tags.  Email me at patienceholt@gmail if you are interested in being my guest.