Date & Time:
January 15, 2025 | 12:00 PM January 17, 2025 09:00 AM
Central Time (US & Canada) -
Pat Ertman’s
1416 West Decorah Road, West Bend
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Not sure what bug I caught, but it was nasty! I had to cancel classes last week, but I am on the mend! I have rescheduled to Wednesday, January 15 at noon and Friday, January 17 at nine or noon. Most of those scheduled for last Friday have rescheduled to this week, BUT I do have extra spots left and you may still join me on Wednesday or Friday. Please let me know by Monday, if you are interested in joining us!
Created By:
Pat Ertman
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Jan 15
Changes to Coffee and a Card! I’ve Been Sick!
Not sure what bug I caught, but it was nasty! I had to cancel classes last week, but I am on the mend! I have rescheduled to Wednesday, January 15 at noon and Friday, January 17 at nine or noon. Most of those scheduled for last Friday have rescheduled to this week, BUT I do have extra spots left and you may still join me on Wednesday or Friday. Please let me know by Monday, if you are interested in joining us!