Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    November 15, 2024   All Day
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    To Go

  • Address
Created By:

Barb Rider

Nov 15

Blessing Box Club - by mail

Bee a Blessing to someone with the Blessing Box Club.
--Each month you will receive a box with kits and aproximately $20 in product to create at least 8 projects.
--There will be a featured stamp set/bundle you will need or can add on at catalog cost.
--You will need basic stamping tools like scissors, adhesive, inks and/or coloring mediums
--A color tutorial with measurements emailed
--A video to see the projects may be provided
--A $25 value gift at the end of 6 consecutive months
--Surprises along the way
Cost is $40 which includes shipping

The 15th of each month is the RSVP date for the boxes to be mailed by the end of each month.
RSVP here on my website or contact me at