
Date & Time:
17 August 2024 | 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern (QLD) -
Facebook Private Group
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Join us at our fabulous Virtual Event. We create 9 different cards featuring the fabulous Season of Green and Gold Suite showcasing the versaitilty of this bundle - (hint it doesn't have to be Christmas). This is a private Facebook event. We share a PDF of supplies and videos created all 9 projects. There are 2 different options - purchase the Bundle and receive a discount on the kit supplies for all projects, or purchase the Kit for all projects AND a product share with papers, ribbon and embellishments. Contact me for more information and payment options.
Created By:
Julia Quinn
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Aug 17
STAMP CAMP - Season of Green and Gold
Join us at our fabulous Virtual Event. We create 9 different cards featuring the fabulous Season of Green and Gold Suite showcasing the versaitilty of this bundle - (hint it doesn't have to be Christmas). This is a private Facebook event. We share a PDF of supplies and videos created all 9 projects. There are 2 different options - purchase the Bundle and receive a discount on the kit supplies for all projects, or purchase the Kit for all projects AND a product share with papers, ribbon and embellishments. Contact me for more information and payment options.