Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    January 04, 2025  |   10:00 AM  -  02:00 PM
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

  • Address
    Statesville, NC
Created By:

Kristine Vicente

Jan 04

Monthly Card Buffet

Join us each month for a fun, crafty, in-person experience if you are local to Statesville, NC!  We meet once a month to work through the card buffet. Pick and choose whichever cards you want to make for $3 each or place a $25 order or more during the event and create 3 cards FREE!  Planning to come?!  Please call or text Kristine and reserve a workstation--seating is limited - 860.368.7209. Bring a friend and you both recieve a gift!