Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    September 19, 2024  |   10:30 AM  -  12:30 PM
    Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    My House

  • Address
    4108 Katy Court
Created By:

Laura Venvertloh


Thursday Morning Stamp Club

Monthly Stamp Clubs: This is a monthly event that runs for 6 months consecutively.  Each member is a host and receives the host benefits.  We make 2-3 projects each month with your $30 order.  This is a great class if you are looking for new techniques, idea, or more embellishments to your projects. New members receive a board book to keep a sample and instructions of the technique handy. 

**Please have your orders ready by the dates below.  If you are unsure of your day, just confirm with me. Use the host code or I can enter, and it ships here.