Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    May 05, 2024  |   10:00 AM  -  07:00 PM
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    Barrington Democratic Club

  • Address
    186 Roffee St, Barrington, RI 02806
Created By:

Tiziana Milano

May 05

May Day Craft Celebration - RSVP May 1st


I'm so excited to be able to put on this event again this year and BTW we will also be celebrating NATIONAL SCRAPBOOKING DAY and Cinco de Mayo, HOLY MOLY!!!

There are a few options to choose from so please read through them all!
Option 1 - $40: All Day Crafting Only:
This option gives you your own crop space for the entire day starting at 10am along with food and snacks that will be available.
Option 2 - $50: May Day Class:
This option signs you up for my May Day Craft Celebration Class ONLY! You will receive everything needed to make the projects (all you will need to bring is adhesive), along with a goodie bag of current and soon to come SU items.
Class Projects include a 8"x8" Shadow Box; Greeting cards using the Lots of Latte Suite and Taco Fiesta (retired but fitting for the day) and a mini fun fold tag brag book. All projects are great for gift giving. Snacks and water will also be available. Class starts at 2pm.
Option 3 - $85: I WANT IT ALL!
Do I really need to elaborate, lol!

10am - Doors Open
11am - May Day Breakfast
2pm - May Day Class
6:30pm - Break Down

If you will be spending the day with me, I will have my traditional yummy May Day breakfast feast. Throughout the day there will be soup and other things to munch on. Lastly, I will also have some fun surprises!
PLEASE NOTE: You are not registered for this event until I receive payment.
Paypal: (friends and Family PLEASE)
Venmo: stampintiz (friends and Family PLEASE)
Cash and Checks too