Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    May 17, 2024  |   01:00 PM  -  03:30 PM
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    Reynolds Landing Rec House

  • Address
Created By:

Linda Edwards

May 17

May Card Class

We will be making 4 projects at class this month.  Cost = $20 or FREE with $45 purchase and the Host Code. Supplies needed are your basic tool kit (snips, adhesives, bone folder and any other favorite tools) I will provide all other materials. If you do not have a tool kit, you can rent one for the class $5, and I can help you assemble one for future classes.  If you want to make the projects in the comfort of your own home, message me for a card kit and instructions.

Email me to register for class and for more information.  Deadline to register is May 10. As always, if you purchase items totaling $45 or more from Stampin’ Up! using my current host code (if your order is under under $150), your class is free.