Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    May 28, 2024  |   07:00 PM  -  08:00 PM
    Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

  • Address
Created By:

Sharon Rogers

May 28

Tune in Tuesday

Each 2nd and 4th Tuesday, I'll bring a class to you, inspiring you to create beautiful projects. If you'd like a class kit so you can recreate the projects I share, simply place an order of at least $35 (before s&h and tax) during the week of the class, and I'll ship it to you at no extra charge the following Monday. For orders of $60 or more, I'll include a special goodie, such as a package of embellishments, some DSP, etc.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and select the Notifications option so you'll always know when a new class drops.