Stampin' Up! - Calendar  
  • Date & Time:
    January 10, 2025  |   07:00 PM  -  08:00 PM
    Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location

    Online via Zoom Grace

  • Address
Created By:

Meg Loven

Jan 10

IPS Demonstrator Stamp & Share Event

Are you a LovenStampfuls Demonstrator? Would you like to learn more?  You are welcome to come as my guest to this fun virtual evening of stamping and more! We meet every month on the 2nd Friday - contact me for details or to RSVP so I can get the Mystery Stamping information to you ahead of time! 

When we can, we'll get back to meeting at Grace Lutheran Church at 313 S Prospect in Champaign, IL, but for now we've moved to Zoom. And once we can gather in person again, I'm looking forward to continuing the zoom aspect so that we can include our LovenStampfuls demonstrators from all over the country!